student tutoring
Interested in Starting Your Own Chapter in Your Region?
Know the Requirements
Must be outside the United States
You must be in high school
Four Positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Customer Service Assistant
Courses Related to Your Region
Application Process
Fill out the chapter form here to get started and wait for the next steps (via email!)
Why Create Your Own Chapter
Promote Edutine's mission of aiming to give free education in a variety of subjects to all in your region.
Students and tutors from the same region
The rules, standardized policies, and procedures are already created for you from our parent organization, so you do not have to write your own rules!
Create a well-established organization in your region with the help of the parent organization.
You and staff in your chapter can receive volunteer hours and credit.
What You Will Receive From Headquarters
Domain Email Address for your Region
Toolkit with resources to get you started and successful
Rules and standardized policies already created
Access to schedule meetings with parent organization at any time for questions and concerns.
You and your volunteers may receive volunteer hours.